Health Services

Sai Health Services

Staying healthy and fit helps us in completing our daily tasks and due to this it becomes our duty and our foundation to help people through this work.

It is our endeavor that health camps are organized by our organization from time to time, in which health checkup of all the children of the institution is done, as well as medical first aid service is also provided by our organization in Chandni Chowk Delhi, which is absolutely free. All those people are helped by the organization who need blood in the hospital. Volunteers associated with the organization come to donate blood and as of now the organization has also got many people operated. The organigation provides financial help to all those people arranging free ration, fruits and other need of the patient and his family. All goods are given by the organization. Free medicines are provided to the patient as well as we help in the treatment in the hospital. Such help is given to the helpless people.

Every good act is charity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows.


It is the effort of the organization to help in every possible way. Because service is the only real way that our life is useful to someone. Along with health, everyone is also told the importance of cleanliness so that they can keep themselves and their surroundings clean so that they get less sick. Health camps are organized by Sai Bandhan Foundation so that we can secure our today and tomorrow.

A few glance of our Health Services

We provide regular medical checkups at our centres and outside as well.